The monthly meetings of Kalamazoo County Historical Society are on the FIRST MONDAY of each month. Meetings will be held at the Portage District Library and will start at 7pm. The next meeting of the 2023-2025 program year will be held at the
Portage District Library
February 3, 2025
Charles Hays, Kalamazoo's 19th Century Builder
Tom Dietz will talk about one of Kalamazoo's leading real estate developers at the turn of the last century, Charles Hays (1862-1958). Hays asserted that he platted as much as 20% of the housing in Kalamazoo. He was responsible for developments in the Edison and Northside neighborhoods. He served one term as Mayor in 1912 and was an early developer of golf courses in Kalamazoo, including those on the WMU campus and the Kalamazoo Country Club.
Annual Dues Reminder
Annual dues for the Kalamazoo County Historical Society are now due. The KCHS fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Dues are still $10 per person and $17.50 for a family. Please bring your dues to the annual meeting or send them to Lynn Smith Houghton, Kalamazoo Historical Society, PO Box 49005-1623, Kalamazoo MI 49005. Checks should be made payable to the Kalamazoo County Historical Society.
Annual Meeting of the Kalamazoo County Historical Society
The Annual Meeting of the Kalamazoo County Historical Society will be held in early fall at 7:00 pm at the Portage District Library. The election of new officers and members of the KCHS Board will take place at the meeting. Current officers and board members are: Steve Rossio, President; Mary Ellen Agar, Vice President and Webmaster; Lynn Smith Houghton, Treasurer; and Sharon Carlson, Secretary, and board members Tom Dietz, Donna Odom, Beth Timmerman, and William Braaksma.
KCHS Inclement Weather Policy
Meetings of the Kalamazoo County Historical Society will be cancelled due to inclement weather when the Portage Public Schools are cancelled.
Mary Ellen Agar
January 23, 2025
Mary Ellen Agar
January 23, 2025